C&J Industries

Project Description The construction of the large facility required a reinforcement method for its four rooms totaling 33,000 square feet of concrete flooring. Project owners and specifiers chose to bypass the use of traditional steel reinforcement and chose to use the cost-effective FORTA-FERRO® instead. The lab testing room was done with a heavy grind and the showroom was finished […]

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FMC Greenfield

Project Description FMC Greenfield was in need of a superior reinforcement method for their slab-on-ground application. After considering their needs, they specifically requested FORTA-FERRO® for the job. After the project owners and specifiers witnessed the ability for FORTA-FERRO® to be easily integrated into the normal mixing, placing and finishing procedures they were extremely pleased with the results. After a successful project, […]

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Davis Landfill Public Dropoff

Project Description The Davis Landfill Public drop-off was in dire need of a new overhang. The previous overhang was continuously being scraped by loader buckets which accelerated the deterioration of the surface. In order to increase the overhang load capacity, a double mat of rebar was used. FORTA-FERRO® was able to increase fatigue resistance, increase impact resistance, and also […]

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Tusher Diversion Dam

Project Description This major river in Green River, Utah is used for irrigation and low head hydro power production. The Department of Natural Resources needed this diversion dam to be stable and decided to reinforce with FORTA-FERRO®. The decision came due to the difficulty of binding rip rap in high-pressure areas. This problem is something traditional steel […]

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UPS Shipping Facility

Project Description The UPS Shipping Facility in Harrisburg, PA was completing a renovation on an existing facility. With FORTA-FERRO®’s superior crack resistance properties, UPS decided to replace traditional steel with FORTA-FERRO®. UPS will be getting a better wearing floor surface with fibers as compared to steel. Additionally, the owner knew by using FORTA-FERRO® that the time needed to complete the project […]

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SDSU Aztec Student Union Building

Project Description San Diego State University was in need of a reinforcement method for a slab-on-ground and two slab-on-metal-decks which included radiant heating/cooling systems for their Aztec Student Union building on campus. FORTA-FERRO® was chosen to reinforce each slab due to its ability to reduce cracking while creating an excellent finish. The fibers also allowed for the floors to have a […]

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Prologis – Bethlehem

Project Description The warehouse facility in Prologis Park chose to use FORTA-FERRO® to replace traditional methods of steel reinforcement, saving the owner time and money. Placing steel reinforcement in such a large facility is costly and time consuming. The ready mix producer was extremely pleased with how easily FORTA-FERRO®  mixed within the concrete and how well it finished when applied. […]

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LDS Church

Project Description LDS Church chose to use FORTA-FERRO® to reinforce their large meeting house floor slab as a “cost-controlling and premium performance floor system”. Previous floor design containing rebar had been less successful when investigated because owners wanted a better way to control shrinkage and temperature related cracking. Project specifiers decided that FORTA-FERRO® would be the ideal reinforcement method to address […]

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Food Warehouse

Project Description A food warehouse in Belgium was in need of a reinforcement method for their floors. Originally, steel fiber was specified as the reinforcement method but was ultimately abandoned due to the temperature changes that the food storage environment requires on a daily basis. Specifiers chose FORTA-FERRO® as a viable solution to the temperature issue while also being easier […]

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University of Akron Football Stadium

Project Description University of Akron and their 25,000-seat football stadium were in need of two levels of fiber reinforcement in order to control cracking. Project specifiers called for 4.5 lbs. / cu. yd of FORTA-FERRO® to reinforce 4,000 cu. yds. of concrete bleachers. This was the first project in the U.S. that utilized a special ‘high-fiber round-bar’ pump grate developed […]

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