Pervious Concrete II

 Pervious Concrete II published an article on December 6, 2013 titled:

Pervious Concrete Pavements Gets Fiber Reinforcement

The article outlines a pervious project that replaced deteriorated asphalt.  The project used 6 inch thick pervious pavement over 1,150 square feet with 2 different types of synthetic fiber reinforcement to add durability.

Please click the following link for the full article:

Project Details:
Application: Pervious Concrete Parking Lot
Fiber Type/Length:
1.       Green-Net ® 1.5″ length dosed at 1.5 pounds per yard.
2.       Forta-Ferro ® 1.5″ length dosed at 7.5 pounds per yard.
Cubic Yards: 21 total cubic yards
Finishing Method: Roller-screed strike off; covered with plastic and rolled; plastic cover cure.
Slab Thickness/Dimensions: 6″ thick; approximately 1,150 square feet

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