World of Concrete 2014-1
In past years, FORTA® Corporation has supplied fibers for a variety of World of Concrete events to help increase exposure with contractors and participants. FORTA® has been involved with various pervious concrete demonstrations in the past 2 years using the 1 ½” FERRO-GREEN® fiber, and in 2012 supplied the ¾” FORTA-FERRO® for the Concrete Artistry and Tools demonstrations and trials, where colored and polished concrete table-tops and counter-tops were cast, exhibited, and then donated to the local Habitat for Humanity group in Las Vegas.
This year, FORTA® will be the fiber supplier for the ACI Commercial/Industrial Flatwork Finisher Performance Exam, which includes a finishing lay-down trial as part of the course. The course and exam will be proctored by Bob Simonelli and Jerry Holland of Structural Services Inc., who have included macro fibers as part of the training and trials. The participants will represent some of the larger flatwork contractors who need ACI-certified staff to bid on major projects. Details are as follows:
- Commercial Finisher Course, Monday Jan 20 @ 1:00 pm, LV Convention Center, Room ____ (TBA); (will not be able to attend the class without registering/paying for the exam)
- Commercial Finisher Performance placement, Tuesday Jan 21 @ 7:00 am, Gold Lot (across from the Hilton/North Hall – see attached map); first truck arrives on-site at 6:00 am, fiber addition/mixing at approx 6:15 am; placement includes 2 – six cubic yard loads at a fiber dosage of 7.5 lbs/cy of FERRO® 2 ¼”.
For more information, please