General Applications

General Applications

FORTA-FERRO® has been used in precast products such as septic tanks and burial vaults for many years. In many instances the wire mesh can be removed from the sidewalls and the base, which can result in a reduction of labor costs and time. FORTA-FERRO adds a level of toughness to the concrete, as well as the ability to help hold any potential cracks together tightly. Vacuum tests have shown that by using FORTA-FERRO macro synthetic fiber, the products will meet and/or exceed industry testing standards. FORTA Corporation offers local technicians and vacuum test equipment with area standards and codes. Our second-generation synthetic fiber, FORTA-FERRO, offers improved benefits that affect the actual structural properties of the concrete itself. This fiber truly lives up to its name, which means “Strong As Steel.”

FORTA-FERRO has played an important role in the recent changes and development of testing and performance of precast septic tanks, allowing the tank-producing industry to realize a valuable goal in producing durable and cost-effective steel-free products. In fact, FORTA-FERRO is approved by most states and sanitation districts for use in septic tanks. Please call your FORTA representative for information related to local guidelines in your service area, or for engineering services available. FORTA improved upon these fibers, offering second-generation structural synthetic fibers that combine heavier filaments, special chemistries, long lengths, and higher dosages to allow for a higher replacement of conventional steel reinforcement.

Overall, FORTA-FERRO has been used around the country to improve the overall performance of precast applications including burial vaults, septic tanks, and other specialty projects, while eliminating the need for most traditional steel reinforcement.

Project Examples

Visit some of our project pages below and read about some examples of our fibers at work in real-world applications. The success of FORTA’s macro synthetic fibers can be clearly witnessed in projects across the country:

Kaumalapau Harbor
Clarksburg Ranch

Technical Services

See our overview of technical services courtesy of our FORTA engineering and sales departments.

Services Page

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