Project Description
ECONO-MONO® was used to reduce plastic shrinkage cracking in 600 cubic yards of concrete for the first floor slab-on-ground, and the FORTA-FERRO® was used at a dosage of 3.0 lbs. / cu. yd. of concrete as an alternative to conventional WWF reinforcement for the slabs-on-metal-deck. By saving delivery, upper-level transport, and placement costs of the steel, the fibers represented a considerable time and cost savings to the project as a three-dimensional reinforcement. The fiber offered no difficulties to the concrete placement and finishing process and resulted in a smooth and fiber-free surface suitable for the final floor treatment. In total, FORTA-FERRO® was used to reinforce over 85,000 square feet of metal deck construction for the new St. Luke’s Hospital project.
Key Points:
- Superior Finish
- Extreme Durability
- Mixing
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