Project Description
Spacebox Self Storage, a 4-story concrete masonry and steel frame building in Tampa, FL totaling 140,000 GSF of self-storage facilities, used FORTA-FERRO to reinforce the construction. Because of the sub-contractor’s experience and comfort with FORTA-FERRO macro synthetic fibers, he recommended and used the fibers in the slabs on grade in the main building as an option instead of double mats of heavy gauge WWF or steel fibers. The concrete slab was pumped into place, and after the finishing operation had no residual surface fibers. The exterior pavement was lightly broom finished and looked great without fiber protruding. The composite metal deck slabs also used FORTA-FERRO macro fibers. Later, Finish Job 35 floor wax was used in all storage corridors and display area slabs resulting in a superior finish.
Key Points
- Superior Finish
- Save Time
- Save Money