Georgia Association of Water Professionals

Marietta, GA - February 2011

Project Description

The light-to-medium duty parking space areas were reinforced with 1.5 lbs. / cu. yd. of 1.5″ long FORTA® GREEN-NET®, a net-shaped fiber made from 100% recycled polypropylene materials. For the medium-to-heavy duty parking and driving areas, 7.5 lbs. /cu. yd. of 1.5″ long FORTA-FERRO® was added to the pervious concrete for additional toughness. In both cases, the fibers mixed and distributed well, and offered minimal visible evidence on the pavement surface. Previous laboratory work-ups of the project mix using 7.5 lbs. / cu. yd. of the FORTA-FERRO® had revealed an increase in concrete yield of approximately 7% , allowing for significant material savings in cement and aggregate. This successful demonstration project has led to additional project applications, and was one of many afforded by FORTA®‘s participation as a founding corporate sponsor of the National Pervious Concrete Pavement Association.

Key Points:

  • User-friendly
  • Extreme Durability
  • Superior Mixing and Distribution
  • Saves Time and Money

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FORTAfied asphalt for Tons of Savings!

Use our Savings Calculator to compare material costs between a traditional asphalt mixture and FORTAfied Asphalt.

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Cost of FORTA-FI (based on MSRP):

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