Project Description
An automobile dealership in West Caldwell, NJ chose to use FORTA-FERRO macro synthetic fibers in this project for a new showroom and service area. Our FORTA-FERRO fibers were used in the floor, slab on metal deck, and the roof topping slab. Macro synthetic fibers replaced 34 lb of Dramix 3D steel fibers, and the total project size was 2,050 cu yd using a dosage of 4.0 lb/cu yd. The FORTA-FERRO fibers were used instead of the steel fibers because they are much easier to work with. They also wanted to lower the probability of cracking especially for the slab-on-metal-deck and the topping slab. The interesting thing about this project is that the fibers were used in all the concrete throughout the building showing that fibers are not just for slab-on-ground.
Key Points:
- Reduced Shrinkage Cracking
- Saved Time
- Easier to Work With