Challenging the Status Quo of Concrete Pavement Design

2021 Special International Symposium on Concrete Pavements:
A Tribute to Juan Pablo Covarrubias, Sr.

When: Mar 25, 2021 09:00 AM Central Time (US and Canada)

The International Society for Concrete Pavements (ISCP) is proud to organize the 2021 Special International Symposium on Concrete Pavements: A Tribute to Juan Pablo Covarrubias, Sr. on March 25, 2021 9:00 a.m. – 12:20 pm. The symposium brings together a wide range of international experts in the field of rigid pavements to share ideas and discuss ways to push the boundaries of concrete pavement design. The theme of this year’s symposium is “Challenging the Status Quo of Concrete Pavement Design” and will focus on modeling and performance of short concrete slabs, which have the potential to reduce the cost and environmental impact of rigid pavements while still providing a high level of performance.

The symposium will be co-chaired by Dr. Jeffery Roesler, University of Illinois and Dr. Lev Khazanovich, University of Pittsburgh. The symposium is being co-sponsored by ACPA, CPTech Center, NRMCA and ICH.

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Time (CDT)TitleSpeakerAffiliation
9:00 AMWelcome & IntroductionDr. Jeffery Roesler
Dr. Lev Khazanovich
University of Illinois
University of Pittsburgh (USA)
9:05 AMWelcome RemarksDr. Jacob HillerMichigan Technological University and President, ISCP (USA)
9:10 AMRemarksJerry VoightACPA (USA)
9:15 AMOpening RemarksDr. Juan Pablo Covarrubias, Sr.TCPavements (Chile)
9:20 AMConcrete pavements experiences in ChileDr. Michael DarterARA, Inc. and Professor Emeritus, University of Illinois (USA)
9:45 AMRemarksJim MackCEMEX, (USA)
9:50 AMShort slab development in ChileMauricio SalgadoICH (Chile)
10:00 AMInitial performance data and models for slabs with optimized geometryDr. Jeffery RoeslerUniversity of Illinois (USA)
10:20 AMRemarksDr. Shiraz TayabjiAdvanced Concrete Pavement Consultancy
10:25 AMRemarksDr. Jamshid ArmaghaniGlobal Sustainable Solutions, LLC (USA)
10:40 AMMEPDG to short slabs:  how analysis had to ImproveDr. Lev KhazanovichUniversity of Pittsburgh (USA)
11:00 AMShort Slab Design and 12 years of performance predictions and some Case studiesJuan Pablo Covarrubias, Jr.TCPavements (Chile)
11:12 AMSlab CurlingRobert RoddenMEGASLAB (USA)
11:30 AMPrerecorded Remarks

Prerecorded: Industrial pavements success

Prerecorded: Guatemala the first large  projects
Eugen Florescu, PhD.

Christophe Courtinovis

Estuardo Herrera or Jorge Tejada
LafargeHolcim ( France)

RINOL (Spain)

Cementos Progreso
11:45 AMShort Slab performance: North AmericaSherry Sullivan
Dr. Feng Mu
12:05 PMShort Slab global highlightsNigel ParkesFORTA (USA)
12:20 PMConcluding RemarksDr. Jeffery Roesler
Dr. Lev Khazanovich
University of Illinois
University of Pittsburgh